Terra Caribbean - Blog

The Challenges in Affordable Housing Supply

Posted on Mon May 06, 2024 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
The Challenges in Affordable Housing Supply

On April 13th, Republic Bank and My Bunch of Keys collaborated for the Make It Happen home ownership event, which hosted over 30 Real Estate agencies, developers, lawyers and valuers and Republic Bank mortgage officers. While the event garnered a lot of media attention, and was well attended by prospective buyers, it shed light on several key issues.

Unlock Your Real Estate Development Potential with Terra Caribbean

Posted on Thu November 09, 2023 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
Unlock Your Real Estate Development Potential

With a proven track record of knowledge, experience and innovation in the industry, Terra Caribbean is the ideal partner to help you unlock your real estate potential and take your projects to the next level. Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to the industry, we have the resources and expertise to guide your development project. As the real estate landscape continues to evolve, Terra Caribbean remains a trusted and recognized brand, at the forefront of industry data and trends.

At Terra Caribbean, our objective is to make the listing and selling process as easy as possible for you. As a developer, you can benefit from a simplified, streamlined process to manage the administrative burden and get your property sold quickly.

We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to empower real estate developers to achieve their goals efficiently and profitably.

Before You Sell Your Property

Posted on Fri September 08, 2023 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
Before You Sell

Selling a property can be a momentous event in your life. It is not merely a transaction but a complex process that requires careful planning and attention to detail. Whether you're parting ways with a beloved family home or divesting an investment property, the decision to sell is a significant one. It's a journey that involves not only financial considerations but also emotional attachments and logistical challenges.

As vendors, you are in a unique position where you have the power to shape the future of your property. The decisions you make before listing your property for sale can greatly impact your experience and the outcome of the sale. To navigate this process successfully, you need a well-thought-out plan and a clear understanding of the steps involved.

Buy vs. Build

Posted on Fri August 04, 2023 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
Buy vs. Build

You’ve finally been pre-qualified and you’re ready to buy your home. But all the options are just not quite right. It’s either the perfect house in the wrong location or the average home in an excellent location. For some, this may spark the question, is it better to buy or build?

It’s a lesson in perspective. What’s most important in your life? For those seeking immediate possession, convenience, and less involvement in the construction process, buying a property might be the right choice. On the other hand, for individuals looking for full customization, buying land and building at their own leisure is an option. Both options have their merits and drawbacks. Buyers should carefully assess their specific needs, preferences, and financial capabilities that best align with their present and future goals. Here’s a list of pros and cons to get you started on the best option for you.

Streamlining your Commercial Real Estate portfolio?

Posted on Mon May 29, 2023 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
Streamlining your Commercial Real Estate portfolio

Since 2022, as the real estate market stabilized, many conglomerates and large businesses reassessed their real estate portfolios and divested some of their assets, creating a resurgence for commercial sales after a 5-year hiatus. In fact, Terra Caribbean's commercial sales have quadrupled since 2018. Trends show that there is now renewed interest and increased demand for tenanted commercial buildings. Thus, now may be the right time to consider selling your commercial asset.

The New Buyer

Posted on Wed March 29, 2023 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
The New Buyer

Real estate is an ever-changing industry, with buying and selling patterns constantly shifting. One of the most significant shifts in the industry is the emergence of the new buyer in the real estate market. The new buyers in the real estate market are likely to have different expectations and preferences from the previous generation of buyers. These new buyers will redefine the trends of the real estate market in the coming years, if they haven’t already.

Past, Present and Future Trends in the T&T market

Posted on Mon January 30, 2023 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
Past, present, future trends in TT Market

2023 is one month young and there is no better time to look back at trends passed and trends coming this year. From 2019 to now, the real estate market has seen drastic shifts in both residential and commercial trends. The effects of the pandemic have changed how we work, how we live and even the types of property we buy over the last few years.

The Real Cost of Buying a Home

Posted on Tue November 01, 2022 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
The Real Cost of Buying a Home

So you’re ready to buy a home. It’s a common misconception that to start the process, all is needed is the initial 10% down payment. While this is your personal investment, buying a home is an involved process which requires the assistance of many stakeholders within the Real Estate ecosystem. From valuing to financing the asset, and insuring the property to officially transferring the property and all the legal paperwork in between, the costs of buying a home add up quickly.

Hence, in addition to the 10% of the agreed price of the property, there are cash expenses just to finalize a house sale. What’s the real cost of buying a home?

What's Selling in T&T in 2022?

Posted on Fri September 30, 2022 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad

What’s selling in T&T in 2022?

In early 2021, due to the pandemic and the sudden shift in properties actually being purchased, we took a closer look at the movement in the market and highlighted some residential trends for 2021.

Now that we’re fully out of lockdown, and activity seems to be returning to almost pre-COVID norms, we delved in again to see which trends stayed and which trends did not.

60 years of Independence, 60 years of Real Estate

Posted on Tue August 30, 2022 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
60 years of Independence

From the economy to technological advances and how we do business, Real Estate in Trinidad and Tobago has evolved from the 1960’s to today. The cyclical nature of T&T’s economy post-Independence has spurred waves of development, which have in turn stimulated a flourishing industry to what it is today.

How is Land Priced?

Posted on Fri April 01, 2022 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
How is Land Priced?

With many land developments and listings at various price points on the market right now, purchasing land could be a quick and easy option to get into investing. But, when it comes to unimproved property (land), prospective buyers like to understand the basis for pricing and what their money can buy.

Based on price per square foot and multiplied by the land area, the total land price of one parcel can sometimes scare prospective buyers into sticker shock. Hence, we delved into various aspects that contribute to the price per square foot of land.

Trending Areas in 2022

Posted on Fri February 04, 2022 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
Trending Areas in 2022

One thing the Coronavirus pandemic has done in the last two years is shift our focus from the hustle and bustle outside of home to our work and recreational space at home. As we close a second year of remote work and homeschooling, quality of life has become paramount to most. For some, a lush environment, more floor area, or a further distance away from the rush is worth moving outside the West.

What does this mean for Real Estate? 

Your First Offer is Your Best Offer!

Posted on Tue November 30, 2021 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
Your First Offer is Your Best Offer

It’s been a rough two years and you’ve finally decided to downsize your Real Estate portfolio as soon as possible. You’ve done your due diligence, spoken to a few Real Estate agents, even paid for a valuation report, and determined a fair asking price.

After a few weeks of market exposure, your agent calls with an offer below asking, but you’re torn between accepting a lower-than-expected price and chancing receiving a better offer.

Buying Styles: Men vs. Women

Posted on Thu October 28, 2021 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
Buying Styles

It’s no secret that men and women think, act, and prioritize differently. The same goes when searching for homes. Believe it or not, when it comes to buying homes, men and women differ on the questions they ask, their motivation for buying and what they ultimately base their decisions on. We asked our agents, “What are the buying styles of men vs. women?” and the responses were telling.

While men fixate on price and the bare bones of the home, women tend to focus on safety, livability, and future plans - all equally important. Though the questions below are not exhaustive or exclusive to either male or female, it is an abstract of the contrast between men and women and how they make their property decisions.

Let's Talk Property Prices!

Posted on Thu September 30, 2021 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad

A few months ago, we discussed the difference between price and value and how the perception of both concepts affect transactions. Additionally, the last year and a half during the pandemic has changed the already shifting T&T Real Estate market. Now, with all the talk of Property Tax and Land Valuations, we realized that there are many misconceptions surrounding Property Prices.

Therefore, we delved into some of our sold transactions over the past 18 months from our database to understand what money can buy today at different price ranges. This is not a definitive guide but an insight to illustrate what the market has dictated over the last year and a half. The aim is to help both property searchers and vendors navigate the real estate market and show what’s selling and for how much.

Effects of Remote Work

Posted on Wed July 28, 2021 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
Effects of Remote Work


From May 2021 to now, Trinidad & Tobago entered a second, stricter lockdown and a State of Emergency following a spike in COVID-19 cases. Similar to the first lockdown in April and May 2020, businesses except for essential services either closed or had their staff work remotely. In July 2020, in an effort to understand how working remotely changed attitudes of office employees, the Terra Caribbean Group built and circulated an attitudes survey to their host countries; Barbados, Grenada, St. Lucia and Trinidad & Tobago.

Therefore, to understand how attitudes may have changed over the last year and how employees feel about the office in the future, Terra Caribbean Trinidad circulated another survey as an updated, comprehensive view of the Trinidadian employee.


Coping with COVID fatigue

Posted on Thu May 27, 2021 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
Coping with COVID fatigue

We’re taking a break from talking about Real Estate trends to discuss the real topic at hand: COVID fatigue. Here we are a year later, and to our surprise, we are still in a pandemic and in another lockdown. However, the consensus is that this lockdown is stressful and more difficult, for varied reasons.

While numerous businesses have managed to pivot over the last year, making their operations digital and getting websites ready for e-commerce, some of us are still navigating how to pivot on a personal level; battling mental health challenges amid concerns of job loss, decreases in business revenue or the health of our loved ones. In honour of Mental Health Awareness month, we’re examining COVID fatigue and how to cope during these times.

NOW is a great time to invest in Real Estate.

Posted on Tue April 27, 2021 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
5 Reasons Why you should invest in Real Estate Now

This is not a Sales Pitch! Despite the current economic climate and the pandemic, the Real Estate market is active and has been since June 2020. We recapped the property trends here and can safely say that Real Estate in T&T in 2021 is a sound investment.

Why? Here are 5 reasons:

Price vs. Value

Posted on Sat March 27, 2021 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
Price vs. Value

Let’s get practical for a minute!

With all the conversation about price reductions in recent months and valuations in a pandemic year, most people have been using the words “price” and “value” interchangeably. What really is the difference between price and value? Furthermore, what determines both factors?

Property Trends We Did Not Expect for 2021

Posted on Wed February 24, 2021 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad

Post lock down 2020, the Real Estate outlook for the rest of 2020 was dismal. With the phased reopening of Trinidad & Tobago in June 2020, many businesses contracted or closed their doors, leading to widespread job loss, diminished spending power and decreased economic activity. We were preparing for the worst.

However, in our May 2020 article, we highlighted a few drivers of the industry and how buyers may make their next property decisions. Nine months later, a closer look at the residential segment shows some concrete trends that have sustained through to 2021, that we did not anticipate.

Buyer Behaviour in 2020

Posted on Fri September 25, 2020 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
Buyer Behaviour in 2020 2

After many surveys searching for the effect of the pandemic on Work from Home trends, the market outlook, and the real estate sector, we decided to look internally at our post lockdown closed transactions. With nine months of the year effectively gone and the COVID-19 pandemic still an active threat to our economy, we decided to get to the root of buyers’ behaviour at this time to differentiate between normal demand and pandemic demand. Additionally, while the commercial real estate market has seen a downturn, the residential market remained buoyant.

After a quick analysis, we discovered that while 50% of our post lockdown closed transactions (both sales and rentals) were normal demand, the other 50% were decisions, directly or indirectly, influenced by the current situation.

Rethinking The Office

Posted on Tue August 04, 2020 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad
Rethinking The Office, Trinidad

During the Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic of early 2020, Trinidad and Tobago was placed on a stay at home order for April and May 2020. Consequently, all businesses except for essential services either closed for the duration of two months or had their staff work remotely. Across the Caribbean, other countries were faced with similar stay at home orders for the months of April and May 2020. With the phased reopening of most countries in June 2020, staff has expressed their willingness to continue working from home.

Therefore, in an effort to understand how working remotely has changed attitudes of office employees, the Terra Caribbean Group built and circulated an attitudes survey to their host countries; Barbados, Grenada, St. Lucia and Trinidad & Tobago.

Click here to view the full report.

What's selling in T&T?

Posted on Tue November 19, 2019 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad

What's selling in T&T?

In our first edition of The Red Book Trinidad & Tobago 2019, we highlighted in our Residential Sale Insights that demand in the middle to lower Residential Sale segment remained stable over the period 2014 to 2018, while the high-end property segment decreased during the same period.

As we near the end of 2019, we asked the same question “What’s selling this year in T&T?” A closer look at the Residential Sale segment for the first 10 months of this year showed a similar trend in composition and price ranges of residential sales so far.

The Red Book Trinidad & Tobago 2019 is here!

Posted on Fri July 19, 2019 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad

We've Launched!

Terra Caribbean Trinidad is proud to launch their first edition of The Red Book Trinidad & Tobago! This launch coincides with the company’s 20 year celebration in Trinidad and 20 years of Knowledge, Experience and Regional Reach.

Borne out of the knowledge culture of the Terra Caribbean Group, the Red Book is a reference guide in each territory of Terra Caribbean - Barbados, Grenada and St. Lucia. As such, Trinidad & Tobago’s first edition includes salient articles and insights on the current property market of T&T in its 128 pages and is the first real estate specific publication of its kind in the country.

Why Choose Terra Caribbean?

Posted on Thu June 13, 2019 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad

Jean-Paul de Meillac blog pic

Most people think of Terra Caribbean as just a commercial real estate brokerage firm but we actually do so much more than that. For almost 20 years now, Terra Caribbean Trinidad has facilitated the rental and sale of both commercial and residential properties throughout the country. So why choose Terra Caribbean? Our CEO, Jean-Paul de Meillac tells you why in this episode of Be in the Know! with Terra Caribbean Trinidad. Enjoy!

What's on your wish list?

Posted on Thu February 14, 2019 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad

Many people think they KNOW what they want when buying a home… until it’s actually time to decide. What's on your wish list? Let our agent Andrea Barry help you determine what you want in this episode of Be in the Know! with Terra Caribbean Trinidad.

Stay tuned for more Be in the Know!

Let's take a look back at 2018

Posted on Wed December 19, 2018 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad

As we tick down to the last days of 2018, we take a look back at this year in the real estate industry.

This industry has seen spates of profitable periods over the last decade, but has steadily declined from 2016 to today. It is undeniable that while 2017 was a tremor, 2018 was an all-out earthquake, and we’re still feeling the aftershocks.  

With shifts and changes in the macro environment in the past calendar year, the ripple effects cannot be ignored. While we’re hopeful of an upturn in the market in 2019 due to oil exploration and likely reinjection of government spending, we thought we’d analyze the considerable and critical external elements and how they affected the Real Estate industry in 2018.

What's my budget for buying a home? - Be in the Know!

Posted on Mon November 12, 2018 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad

Terra Caribbean invites you to view our new video series, Be in the Know!, where we discuss information on everything property related. 

Owning your first home comes with so many mixed feelings of excitement, anxiety and uncertainty, that it’s quite easy to forget the smaller but important things. We realized most people are misinformed about the process of buying a property, beginning with the most important factor…the money!

Our agent Sasha Anton breaks down all the cash you need upfront when buying a home in this episode of Be in the Know! with Terra Caribbean Trinidad.

What's the pre-qualification process?

Posted on Mon November 12, 2018 | By Terra Caribbean Trinidad

Aleicia Mendoza - Blog pic

Ever wondered what's this pre-qualification that bankers and mortgage officers speak about?

Our agent Aleicia Mendoza explains the pre-qualification process and the importance of it. Find out more about it in this episode of Be in the Know! with Terra Caribbean Trinidad.

Stay tuned for more Be in the Know!